Friday, June 3, 2011

Operation Walk

Operation Walk is a non-profit organization that allows severely disabled arthritic patients in countries with underdeveloped health care systems to receive total-joint replacements at no cost. The recipients of care are afflicted with intense and unrelenting pain with mobility limitations that make the experience of a normal and productive life nearly impossible. The goal of Operation Walk is to enable people to return to their lives as productive members of society. To date, Operation Walk has conducted successful operations in Panama, Ecuador, Russia, Cuba, China, The Phillippines, Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador, Vietnam, and the United States.

MLCPT is proud to announce that Julie Randall, PT, CSCS, LMT will be a member of an inter-disciplinary medical team that will be traveling to Kathmandu, Nepal in November 2011, the first journey for Operation Walk Syracuse. As a member of Operation Walk, Julie will be working closely with physicians (from St Joseph’s, SUNY Upstate and Crouse Hospitals), physical therapists, nurses and other health professionals; maximizing the post-operative outcomes of over 75 joint replacements to be performed in one week. While in Nepal, she will not only be responsible for the direct care of post-operative patients, but she will also serve as an educator, helping to instruct Nepalese health care workers in the latest techniques in rehabilitative science.

As you may imagine, the cost for such an endeavor can be staggering. In the United States, the charges for one hip or knee replacement can be in excess of $100,000, with the total cost being greater than $7,500,000. Fortunately, through the donations of more than 40 professionals, coupled with donations from implant and pharmaceuticals companies, the cost is reduced significantly. Contributions continue to be needed, however, to cover $200,000 in remaining expenses for team transportation, supply shipping, food, lodging, non-donated supplies and equipment repairs. If you have an interest in helping support Julie and Operation Walk, we would encourage you to visit the Operation Walk website to make a donation.

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